Compañía Israël Galván

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FLA.CO.MEN, a concerto for one dancer and six musicians, is the creation of a true maverick: a wildly unpredictable deconstruction of a centuries-old art form. The customary guitars and steel-jawed machismo are there, but so is avant-garde jazz and self-mockery, delicacy, lyricism, clowning one moment and haunting beauty the next.

Galván’s technical prowess is jaw dropping: he can generate and sustain intricate rhythms like a master percussionist, but his instrument is his body; indeed to draw a distinction between music and dance in his work is impossible. While he is drenched in tradition and has won every flamenco prize there is to win, Galván certainly no traditionalist.

Just as dance critics around the world have attested, Galván’s restless curiosity, quirky sense of humour and sublime flamenco artistry will keep you hooked.

Cast & Crew

(Choreographer), (Director), (Director), (Director), Rubén Camacho (LightingDesign), Concha Rodríguez (CostumeDesign), (Musician), (Writer), (Musician)

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